You can make a difference. We can make a difference with your help. Below are ideas to get you started:



Your donation allows us to perform outreach with our partners around Pittsburgh.


Join the IDA

There's no better way to make an impact than to become an active advocate yourself. Join the IDA now and make an impact!

Please note: Joining the IDA makes you a member of the IDA, IDA PA, and IDA Pittsburgh.

  1. Inspect the lighting at your home and business.

    Take a few moments to look around the outside of your home and business. Are the lights shielded? What color temperature is the light bulb? Are they on all the time, potentially costing you hundred to thousands of dollars in electric bills, when you might not need them on? If you have a business, is advertising at night really helping, or costing you? Please see the main IDA article on Residential and Business Lighting.

  2. Talk to your friends, family, and neighbors

    While following example one will help, getting a while neighborhood reducing light pollution will help tenfold. Speak with those you love, your neighbors and neighborhood leaders to create change in your neighborhood to reduce light pollution.

  3. Become a citizen scientist

    There is a community that is helping scientists measure light pollution at night, called Globe at Night. Join in! No experience necessary!

  4. Join us at events

    Check the calendar page to see where we will be. Join in by assisting with light pollution outreach.